Our purpose is to create a network of Black Womxn in mathematics education where we collaborate on ideas and projects;
mentor one another to and through entrepreneurship; and empower the lives of Black Youth in mathematics.

Synergy. Passion. Sisterhood. Compassion to Act.
Synergy. Passion. Sisterhood. Compassion to Act.
Black Womxn in Mathematics Education (BWXME) is a collective of change agents who disrupt systems of oppression by challenging marginality and privilege within mathematical spaces, nurtures Black Womxn’s mathematical agency, and engenders a sense of belonging coupled with Black Girl Joy.
Professional Guarantees
- Community of like-mindedness womxn who share a passion for equitable mathematics classrooms
- Advocacy for Black Students, teachers of Black Students, and the mathematics classroom
- Support for leading work related to the teaching and learning of mathematics
BWXME Adopts the Adinkra Symbol

Ananse Ntontan (a-NAN-Si N-ton-TAN) literally means Spider’s Web. The Adinkra symbols were originally designed by “Asante” Craftsmen of Ghana, West Africa. It is a symbol of wisdom, creativity, and the complexities of life. Wisdom relates to experience, knowledge, and good judgment in decision-making and taking action. Creativity includes using imagination and original ideas in artistic work or creating something new and different.
Black Womxn in Mathematics Education (BWXME) cultivates an environment of excellence where Black women share their wisdom, creativity and support each other through the complexities of life. BWXME seeks to empower each member to establish their own platforms by using their voice, influence, and expertise in the mathematics education arena. Members collaborate on ideas and projects; mentor one another to and through entrepreneurship, and empower the lives of Black youth in mathematics while we elevate one another all while harnessing the power of Black Girl Joy.
Ananse Ntontan
Math Professionals

Mathematics Teachers

Mathematics Instructional Leaders and Coaches

Mathematics District Coordinators/ Directors

Professors of Mathematics Education

Professors of Mathematics
Professional Services

Professional Development

Instructional Coaching

Leadership Development

Leadership Coaching
“And so, lifting as we climb, onward and upward we go, struggling and striving, and hoping that the buds and blossoms of our desires will burst into glorious fruition ere long. With courage, born of success achieved in the past, with a keen sense of the responsibility which we shall continue to assume, we look forward to a future large with promise and hope. Seeking no favors because of our color, nor patronage because of our needs, we knock at the bar of justice, asking an equal chance.” ~ Mary Church Terrell, National American Woman Suffrage Association Address, 1898
Meet Our Founders
The mission of BWXME is to cultivate an environment of excellence where black women are the majority and are empowered to establish their own tables by using their voice, knowledge, and expertise in the mathematics education arena.
Special Thanks to Dr. Kristopher Childs, Chief Academics, Equity, and Social Justice Officer, Open Up Resources, for his wisdom, encouragement, and support to create this exceptional space

Tashana Howse, Ph.D
This space was created to unite and support Black womxn in the field of mathematics education. Collectively, we cultivate an environment of excellence where Black womxn are the majority and are empowered to establish their own platform by using their culture of sisterhood, voice, influence, and expertise in the mathematics education arena. I am honored to co-facilitate in this space.

Christina Lincoln-Moore, Ed.S
BWXME are a collective beautifully brilliant educators harnessing Black Girl Joy while leveraging our influence to build each other up. We lead brave spaces where we can lay our armor down and be our authentic Black selves! It is my supreme honor to lead this squad. Our future…the limit does not exist.

Original #BWXME Painting by Sondra Strong, (2023)
BWXME Seeks To:
- Develop a pipeline of Black women in mathematics education
- Develop an advocacy group for Black female voices and expertise to be included in decision-making processes nation-wide
- Create a network among Black women to support one another’s work
- Create and conduct professional development opportunities;
- Support regular engagement in professional development;
- List ItemConnect Black women educators to a multitude of established groups with platforms related to empowering black youth in and outside the classroom
- Connect Black women educators to a multitude of established groups with platforms related to empowering teachers of Black students.
Meeting Dates And Activities:
We meet the 2nd Tuesday of Every Month

Zoom Meeting Details:
Topic: BWXME Meeting
When: We meet the 2nd Tuesday of Every Month
Time: 8:00 PM (EST)
Presenting The Black Womxn In Mathematics Education

Dr. Tonya Clarke
FIGtrEE Education and Empowerment
Pastor Whayne and Dr. Tonya Clarke are the Co-Founders of Figtree & Siblings LLC. and REAL Ministries where they are committed to expanding opportunities for education, empowerment, edification, and expression through relevant, effective, applicable, and life-changing events for the purpose of uplifting and promoting enriched, fulfilled, and impactful lives. Whayne is the Pastor of Total Renewal Church of God (TRC). He is an author, speaker, and mentor. Tonya is Co-pastor of TRC. She is an educator, speaker, Trainer, and founder of the I’m W.O.K.E. Project (Widening Options through Knowledge and Empowerment)
We offer workshops, packaged lessons, and full-day events focused on mathematics, science, technology, engineering, reading, social studies, performing arts, visual arts. We also offer spiritual and emotional workshops and activities.
Contact: figtree.siblings@gmail.com

Dr. Natalie Parker-Holliman, Ph.D.
Dr. Parker-Holliman’s scholarship focuses on issues of identity and power in mathematics education, paying particular attention to how race, class, and gender affect teaching and learning. Through in-depth analyses and longitudinal studies her work challenges deficit views of students who are at the intersection of race and gender stereotypes. Her current research focus is on illuminating the voices of adolescent Black girls in advanced mathematics & charting the inequity in gifted and talented programs. Dr. PH brings an innovative approach to preparing students for their futures & supporting educators throughout their careers. Building on her creative spirit, she founded GIRLSwSTEAM and uses that experience as a Chief Operating Officer in Central Arkansas. Dr. PH is a leader in the educational community and a sought resource in mathematics education, equity in the field, and STEM collaborations. Dr. PH seeks to enrich, educate, and enhance the lives of students and educators.
*Professional Development *Keynote & Motivational Speaking *Consultation *Curriculum and Instruction *Strategy Consultation *Data Analyasis and Educational Consultation *Leadership Academy *School Improvement Analaysis *Scholastic Audit *Operational BluePrints & Outputs *Leading Change through Academic Teams
Contact: NatalieHollimanPhD@Gmail.com

Dr. Pamela Seda
Seda Educational Consulting, LLC
Dr. Pamela Seda is an educational consultant in Atlanta with over 30 years of educational experience. As the Founder and CEO of Seda Educational Consulting, she helps schools disrupt the pattern of failure in mathematics by building the capacity of teachers to create positive mathematical experiences for all of their students. She is the creator of the VANG Math Card Game, and co-author of Choosing to See: A Framework for Equity in the Math Classroom. Dr. Seda has been a high school mathematics teacher, instructional coach, college instructor, and district math supervisor. She currently serves on the board of NCSM Leadership in Mathematics Education and is the President-Elect of the Benjamin Banneker Association, an equity affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. As a regular speaker about math equity at conferences, Dr. Seda is committed to changing how students experience mathematics, especially those from marginalized groups, and advocates for mathematics instruction that develops all students as mathematical thinkers and problem-solvers.
We help schools disrupt the pattern of failure in mathematics by building the capacity of teachers to create positive mathematical experiences for all of their students. We offer the following workshops: Using the ICUCARE Framework to Create Positive Mathematical Experiences for All Students; Planning Lessons with Equity in Mind; Creating Positive Problem Solving Experiences for All Students: Disrupting the Pattern of Mathematical Failure with ICUCARE

Mrs. Tanaga Rodgers
Math Educator and Advocate
Tanaga Rodgers has spent 18 years as a classroom teacher, instructional coach and math specialist in the MD/DC region. Currently, she serves as a Partner Success Director at Zearn Math, a nonprofit math learning platform that helps all kids catch up and move forward. Tanaga has been recognized by Prince George’s County as employee of the year and the Maryland Society for Educational Technology for action research using virtual manipulatives. She holds National Board certification in Early Adolescent Mathematics, a M.Ed in Instructional Technology and a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education.
Learning acceleration, K-8 mathematics
Contact: thannah82@gmail.com

Crystal M. Watson
Crystal M. Watson, Ed.M is an innovative, passionate, and authentic mathematics educator and life long learner who you can count on to always ask “What do the students think?” Her work is centered around providing space for voice and identity development in order for everyone, particularly those most marginalized, to experience high quality, deep, and personal mathematics. Crystal has worked alongside other scholars to develop culturally responsive, reflective, and/or anti-racist curricular resources that center young people in every lesson. You might catch her at both local and national conferences, on podcasts, developing and leading professional development sessions, or having conversations about how we are cultivating youth-centered spaces.
Crystal M. Watson provides keynote and workshop services to organizations desiring to implement or improve ways to include students in decision making and instructional improvement. As an extension, she also speaks about how to create and sustain a sense of belonging in order to improve outcomes for all children. Crystal M. Watson partners with organizations to audit and write curriculum, particularly rich, culturally relevant tasks and items.
Contact: watsoncrystalm@gmail.com

Mrs. Afreeka Van
Afreeka Van serves as the Regional Vice President of Professional Learning for Carnegie Learning, Inc. She has over 20 years of experience in education and 12 of those years have been with Carnegie Learning. Afreeka holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Mathematics and a Master’s degree in Urban Education. She embraces the humanity of teaching and how that transcends to sincerely believing ALL students can achieve academic excellence.
Contact: afreeka.miller@gmail.com

Christine King
Christine King believes in amplifying student voices. Christine is the founder of CKingEducation, a mathematics professional development company. She has a graduate degree from Teacher’s College, Columbia University in Instructional Technology and Media. She is currently pursuing her doctorate in Educational Leadership through Penn State University. She is author of several books, including Test-Savvy Math and 12 Strategies for Understanding Word Problems.
We are a preferred provider of products and professional development services for K – 8 Mathematics. We develop and utilize teacher-friendly products and professional development tools that help stretch teacher pedagogy, build content-knowledge, and foster critical thinking and reasoning skills in students. We specialize in delivering world-class, innovative products and professional development aligned the to state and national standards.
Contact: christine@ckinged.com

Dr. Thomasenia Lott Adams
Thomasenia Lott Adams is a professor of mathematics education. She has mentored numerous teachers and doctoral students in the field. She is also a partner of DNA MATH LLC, along with Juli K. Dixon and Edward C. Nolan. She has spent 30+ years crafting her expertise in making sense of mathematics for teaching across grades K-12 and honors this investment by facilitating meaningful and effective professional development.
DNA MATH focuses on making sense of mathematics for teaching and creating shared visions of classroom instruction that advance student achievement. Our vision for professional development is to build a solid foundation of content knowledge for teaching mathematics and ultimately to extend that knowledge to students through the implementation of the TQE Process (from Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching Series, led by Dixon, Nolan, Adams, et al., 2016, 2019).
Contact: tladamsmath@gmail.com

Dr. Lateefah Id-Deen
Loyal Educational Consulting
Lateefah Id-Deen, PhD is an Associate Professor of Mathematics Education at Kennesaw State University and the Founder of Loyal Educational Consulting, LLC. She has written several articles and book chapters that examine historically marginalized students’ perspectives on their experiences in mathematics classrooms and ways to support educators in hearing and developing practices in relation to students’ expressed interests. More recently, she has co-authored two books that support mathematics teachers who want to implement social justice pedagogical strategies and critically reflect on ways to navigate injustices in their classrooms. Further, she investigates culturally responsive and social justice instructional practices that promote student-teacher relationships, affirm mathematics identities, and cultivate belongingness to support students’ learning experiences in mathematics classrooms. Her work reflects her passion for creating equitable learning environments in mathematics classrooms.
Loyal Educational Consulting is a dedicated partner in the pursuit of improving historically marginalized students’ experiences in mathematics. Our expertise aims to expand mathematics teachers’ thinking about access and equity in mathematics teaching and learning, specifically on the importance of cultivating students’ mathematics identities, belongingness and promoting equitable and inclusive learning environments. We work alongside teachers and curriculum developers to adapt and/or create culturally responsive math tasks and curricula that help students examine both oppressive and empowering structures and connect them to teaching mathematics inside and outside urban school settings. We are passionate about shaping the future of math education, ensuring that every student can excel and thrive in the world of mathematics.
Contact: liddeen@kennesaw.edu

Dr. Shelly M. Jones
Dr. Shelly M. Jones Education Consulting
Dr. Shelly M. Jones is a 30-year mathematics education veteran and a leading voice in the movement for equitable mathematics teaching and learning. She is a Professor at Central Connecticut State University where she teaches undergraduate and graduate mathematics content, curriculum and STEM courses. Shelly spent nine years in K-12 education as a Mathematics Teacher and Administrator. She is the author and co-author of two best-selling books, Women Who Count: Honoring African American Women Mathematicians and Engaging in Culturally Relevant Math Tasks: Fostering Hope. Shelly is a Board Member of the Benjamin Banneker Association, a Board Member of NCSM: Leadership in Mathematics Education, and serves on the Education Advisory Board for Mathkind. Her accomplishments have earned her recognition by Mathematically Gifted & Black as a Black History Month 2019 Honoree. You can see her TedxCCSU video about culturally relevant pedagogy on YouTube.
I specialize in delivering professional development to transform mathematics instruction by ensuring that all students have access to high-quality, enjoyable, and meaningful mathematics education, leading to their success and fostering a sense of agency. I offer keynote presentations, workshops, and curriculum reviews. My keynote speeches inspire teachers to bring about positive changes in their teaching. During my workshops, I allocate time for educators to explore and create math tasks that are culturally relevant to their students’ experiences. When conducting curriculum reviews, I employ a comprehensive approach incorporating the Culturally Relevant Cognitively Demanding Math Tasks Framework (Matthews et al., 2022), which revolves around empowering students and emphasizes the importance of community and collective action. For educational leaders, I utilize the Culturally Relevant Leadership in Mathematics Education framework (NCSM, 2022) to guide leaders in supporting teachers to empower students through culturally relevant practices and monitoring the impact on student learning.
Contact: jonessem@ccsu.edu

Mrs. Deborah Peart
My Mathematical Mind
Deborah Peart is the founder and CEO of My Mathematical Mind. She speaks on a variety of topics related to math identity, math content, instructional practices, and literacy connections to mathematics. Blending her training in yoga and mindfulness with mathematics instruction, Deborah advocates for a mindful approach to teaching mathematics in order to address math anxiety, build confidence, and support the development of positive math identities. She has dedicated her career to supporting educators with innovative teaching strategies that allow students to see themselves as assets to the learning community and curious problem-solvers. She is the lead author for second grade for the Illustrative Mathematics K-5 curriculum. Deborah believes that all children deserve high quality instruction and the opportunity to become competent readers, writers, and mathers.
My Mathematical Mind supports instructional leaders, coaches, and teacher leaders by providing professional learning focused on developing positive math identities. My professional learning workshops and courses offer strategies for addressing math trauma, alleviating math anxiety, and understanding mathematics content conceptually. Our mission is to shift mindsets and build a community of confident mathers.
Contact: mymathematicalmind1@gmail.com

Dr. India White
Rising Glory Productions LLC dba India White Consulting
Dr. India White is a TEDx speaker, national educational consultant, author of 45+ books, and co-author for Big Ideas Learning. India is a 3-time graduate of the University of Florida, majoring in math, educational leadership and educational leadership and administration. White has held positions as a math teacher, math coach, Assistant Principal, and a National Ed Consultant for Big Ideas Learning, India’s mission is to find out how to use equitable practices in math classrooms to bridge the achievement gap. Dr. White has presented at the 2023 MACUL Conference in Michigan, 2023 Hawaii Education Conference, and 2022 NCTM Annual Virtual Conference. She just spoke for the US Department of Education at the IES Math Summit. India is a member of the Superintendent’s Association, Black Women in Math, NCSM, NABSE, NCTM, and serves as the Equity and Access Chair for the FCTM.
Rising Glory Productions LLC, led by Dr. India White, is a trusted educational consultant. Dr. White provides valuable guidance to students, parents, and school leaders. She helps with academic planning, choosing the right courses, and overall educational support. By understanding each student’s unique needs, Dr. White ensures personalized guidance for academic success as she focuses on equitable math practices, cross-cultural communication and harnessing grit in efforts to close the achievement gap.
Contact: India.White.123@gmail.com

Christina Lincoln-Moore
Talk Number 2 MeⓇ Mathematics Consulting
Christina Lincoln-Moore is an innovative Constructivist educational leader who is tenaciously and profoundly dedicated to mindful identity-affirming mathematics practices to engender collective student agency and brilliance. Christina holds an Educational Specialist degree in Mathematics Education from the University of Missouri, Columbia. She served LAUSD for 27 years as a Teacher, Mathematics Facilitator, Assistant Principal, and Principal. She is currently the Elementary Mathematics Coordinator for the Los Angeles Office of Education (LACOE). She believes the integration of SEL and mathematics can change the trajectory of children’s lives. Her professional presentations include the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and the California Mathematics Council. Christina serves as the Secretary of State for the California Mathematics Council (CMC). Co-author of National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Essential Actions Series: Framework for Leadership in Mathematics Education (2020) & National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Essential Actions Series: Culturally Relevant Leadership in Mathematics Education (2022). Christina serves as the Secretary of State for the California Mathematics Council (CMC). Christina is the Founder of Talk Number 2 Me® Mathematics Consulting. Christina is the Co-founder of Black Womxn in Mathematics Education, (BWXME) an international collective that supports Black Womxn Mathematics Educators.
Talk Number 2 Me® will enable every student to visualize mathematics, employ creative strategies and multiple thinking tools to master complex mathematical concepts by providing dynamically mindful resources that rehumanize the mathematical experience for students aligned with the Teaching for Robust Understanding (TRU) Framework. Our professional development infuses the teaching and learning of mathematics with social-emotional learning and culturally relevant lens to develop students’ positive identities as sense-makers, problem solvers and creators of ideas who are capable of crafting multiple solutions within contexts, and providing proofs of students’ own thinking, analysis, and a schedule. We also offer a suite of quality asset-based professional development formats that will add onto the mathematics liberation work you are currently doing. We build on your success and level it up! That’s how we ensure your success.
Contact: clmoore@talknumber2me.com

Dr. Tashana Howse
Stellar Diverse Student Achievement Center
Dr. Tashana D. Howse is the Director of Educational Services for the Stellar Achievement Center (Stellar). She has a passion for providing youth with experiences that maximize their potential as a learner and as a citizen. Dr. Howse’s background comprises over 20 years of leadership in mathematics education. She has experience ranging from classroom public education to developing teachers of tomorrow through preservice teacher education courses. As the co-founder of Stellar, Dr. Howse provides opportunities for supporting students of color in mastering 21st-century skills. Additionally, she provides these students with exposure to STEM opportunities with a focus on developing students’ interest in pursuing STEM careers. Dr. Howse is also an associate professor of mathematics education at Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC). She teaches mathematics content courses and supervises student teachers. She has coached many student teachers into the teaching profession. Her research interests include culturally responsive teaching, student engagement in mathematical practices, the use of technology to enhance learning, and teacher content knowledge. Prior to joining GGC, Dr. Howse taught high school for several years; she has also taught at Daytona State College and Bethune-Cookman University. To improve efforts in advancing the field of mathematics education, Dr. Howse conducts professional development for mathematics teachers throughout the United States. In addition to consulting for Stellar, she consults for Dixon Nolan Adams Mathematics and Solution Tree. Dr. Howse provides professional development ranging from establishing and maintaining professional learning communities to making use of effective mathematics teaching strategies. She has presented teaching ideas at local, state, and national conferences.

Ms. Dionne Aminata
Let’s trust our students to do the math! We offer actionable ways for educators to recognize Black brilliance and trust all students to engage in grade-level mathematics. How much we trust our students typically determines whether we will provide opportunities for students, or limit them. At MathTrust, we offer practical ways to develop a mutual trust between students and educators, and increase opportunities for student achievement in mathematics.
Dionne Aminata has served over 20 years in education. As a Lead Author at Illustrative Mathematics (IM), Dionne led the work of embedding curricular supports for culturally responsive teachers. She most recently served as IM’s Senior Director, Strategic Initiatives, where she oversaw market research and outreach to districts implementing IM curricula. Dionne’s consulting firm, MathTrust, is dedicated to supporting educators to seek the brilliance of Black children and trust all students to do the math. She currently advises the CCSSO Math Collaborative, a network of state math leaders dedicated to affecting change in systems and policies in order to promote mathematics as a subject for all students.
Contact: dionne.aminata@gmail.com

Ms. Marla Hunter [Hooper]
Live. Love. Teach!, LLC
Live. Love. Teach!, LLC, is a global education consulting firm dedicated to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in educational and organizational settings. Led by Marla Hunter, a first-generation American with Jamaican parentage, the company recognizes the strength that diverse backgrounds and voices bring to our communities. Marla’s mission is to challenge Whiteness and combat White Supremacy, xenophobia, and cultural biases that perpetuate inequality. Live. Love. Teach!, LLC offers a comprehensive range of services, including DEI training focused on unconscious bias, cultural competence, inclusive leadership, women’s advancement, authentic leadership, and allyship. Additionally, Marla’s expertise extends to EdTech, teacher self-care, math education, and curriculum development. As an experienced presenter and consultant, Marla has collaborated with global organizations and leaders to create more inclusive environments. With a deep commitment to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion for all, Live. Love. Teach!, LLC, strives to empower individuals and institutions to drive positive change.

Mrs. Danielle Moore
Teaching One Moore
Danielle Moore has over twenty years of experience working in diverse and urban schools. As a classroom teacher, instructional coach, and currently as a mathematics consultant, Danielle works to ensure access to and equity in sound mathematical instruction for all.
Provide mathematics professional development training, demonstration lessons, and coaching for educators.
Contact: danielle@teachingonemoore.org

Christa Togans
Math Professor
I have been a resident of Harrisburg for almost all of my life. I was born in Trenton, New Jersey on McGuire Air Force Base, but moved to Harrisburg at a really young age. I attended dancing school for many years, played in the Harrisburg High School Cougar Marching Band, was a cheerleader and went into the military in the Army National Guard right out of high school. Upon leaving basic training and army school I moved to Washington State, and worked for a company called National Semiconductor. There I found out that Electrical Engineers designed semiconductors and what all of them had in common was a good ability in math and a strong intuition for how to use electronics. I decided to attend Pierce Jr. College in Tacoma, WA, then later moved back to Harrisburg, and attended HACC for 8 years part-time and during that time, I was asked to be a part of teaching/tutoring mathematics/chemistry/engineering in the math lab. I did that part-time for 10 years. I graduated from HACC with an ASEE then I attended Penn State Harrisburg to finish my BSEE and worked in the Engineering field for 1 year. After working as a teacher for only 3 years, I have obtained my Level II certification in secondary mathematics, and graduated from Eastern University with a Masters in Multicultural Education and in 2013 I obtained a Master of Science in Learning Technology from Drexel University. I have my Level I certification in Learning Technology and completed my Doctorate in STEM Education class of 2023. I am also now a T-Cubed Regional Instructor with Texas Instruments. My goal is to teach students and now teachers through project based learning using the latest technology that is culturally relevant.
T3 Instructor and Electrical Engineer

Dr. Ayanna Perry
ADPerry Educational Consulting
Dr. Ayanna Perry is a skillful educator with varied experiences working with secondary in-service and pre-service high school mathematics and science teachers. She is a published author on topics related to math and science education. One outcome of her dissertation work studying math teachers’ classroom practice was a description of seven features that define equitable classroom spaces. She is especially interested in supporting teachers to teach students who have been historically excluded in science and mathematics by developing their equitable teaching practice.
I offer math PD for teachers and would like to keynote
Contact: adperryedconsulting@gmail.com

Mrs. Tanya M. Smith
GIRLI Brand STEM Scholarship Foundation
I have been an educator in stem for the last 26 years. My experience ranges from having my own math & reading tutoring business for 10 years, T Squared Tutorial Service, and a Professor of Mathematics, Math Department Coordinator and Department Chair at various higher education institutions. I am an author of “Math for Nurses-Drugs & Dosage Calculations” and an entrepreneur of retail women apparel online boutique, Girli Brand, where 5% of each sale funds the GIRLI Brand STEM Scholarship that provides a scholarship to black women attending an HBCU majoring in a STEM field.
An organization with opportunities of mentorship, networking and educational financial support to black women who are currently matriculating at a Historical Black College or University (HBCU) in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) that will support underrepresented black women for the purposes of diversifying, development and empowerment.

Mrs. Kimberly May
May Momentum Education Services LLC
Kimberly May, an experienced educator with 25+ years in the field, holds degrees in Elementary and Special Education, Curriculum & Instruction, and K-12 Administration. Though she didn’t finish her EdD dissertation, she completed all coursework for an Administration of Teaching and Learning degree. Known for her core values of authenticity, growth, and excellence, she’s active as a professional learner, presenter, and inspirational speaker, impacting locally, statewide, and nationally. Her diverse roles in Indiana and Arizona include teaching, administration, and currently serving as Florence Unified School District’s K-8 Math Curriculum & Technology Integration Specialist. She’s committed to equitable math education and empowering all to excel personally and professionally.
I offer professional and academic coaching to adult learners and scholars.
Contact: maymomentum@gmail.com

Lakesia L. Dupree
The Reading Mathematician
Lakesia L. Dupree has experience as a mathematics education consultant, elementary classroom teacher, and elementary mathematics coach. As a graduate assistant, she also taught mathematics methods coursework and supported her students in the field as their mathematics content area coach. Her research interests include a focus on culturally responsive mathematics teaching in teacher education. Specifically, she desires to promote the knowledge and skills needed to provide students with equitable opportunities to learn mathematics.

Ms. Desirae Matthew
May Momentum Education Services LLC
Born and raised on Long Island, in New York. I am the second of four children raised by my African American father and Italian mother. Always encouraged by my father to take education seriously and work hard, I did well in school. I attended Stony Brook University to get my Bachelors of Science in Mathematics. After graduation, I went on to get my Master’s in Secondary Education with a focus in Mathematics – the first in my family. I started my teaching journey, teaching for 7 years internationally. Learning about so many other cultures and having the opportunity to travel, expanded my views and made me a better teacher. Currently, I teach high school math in Washington DC.
Contact: desiraematthew77@gmail.com

Ms. Valerie Hudson
I am a mathematics consultant through Texas Instruments.
I graduated from Southern Methodist University with a double major of Mathematics and English. After graduating, I taught High School Mathematics at school districts in Texas. I always had my students refer to themselves as mathematicians (which of course is who they are) and I loved seeing throughout the year how they would accept and internalize that title. While teaching, I became an instructor with Texas Instruments, where I presented at various conferences and led teacher professional development sessions. Now retired from the classroom, I currently work with Texas Instruments as a supervisor for TI’s systemic programs.

Ms. Jessica Strong
Rockstar Learning || LearnStrong
My name is Jessica Strong and I serve my community as the math specialist at Grannemann Elementary. I enjoy working with students, teachers, and families growing together as mathematicians. Prior to shifting to the instructional leadership team, I enjoyed 11 years as a classroom teacher working with every grade in some capacity as an elementary teacher, a Spanish teacher, coding teacher, or a Middle and High School math teacher. Mission Statement As a storyteller and catalyst for wondering, I speak kid – modeling, seeking, and celebrating mistakes to encourage the growth of all. I joyfully connect children, adults, and data to shift perspectives. Philosophy of Education It is my personal philosophy that education is the discovery of the world achieved through collaboration, inquiry, innovation, creativity, and especially fun. I know that everyone can learn and with the correct facilitation, they can achieve their full potential. I believe that differentiating to engage all students with their varied interests and learning styles is the key to education and it is my personal mission to do just that.
I offer individual and group tutoring services. Additionally I offer consulting services to schools focused on developing summer school STEM experiences and improving parent school partnerships.
Contact: desiraematthew77@gmail.com

Mrs. Beka Oroke
City Springs
I am a math instructional coach at City Springs Elementary Middle School in Baltimore City. I am mostly looking to join a sisterhood of like minded womxn. I am always open to learning from others and taking in information about interesting topics from people who are more knowledgeable than me. I am hoping to be able to gain a network of allies in mathematics that I can work with to increase representation of black womxn in mathematics.

Mrs. Kenyail Carr
Mrs. C's Tutoring
Kenyail Carr has a Master’s of Science in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Florida and a Bachelor’s of Science in Engineering (Spanish minor) from the University of Tennessee (Knoxville). Mrs. Carr received the highest academic honor resulting in a full scholarship while also being a 4-year starter on the inaugural softball team. She also played professionally for the Virginia Roadsters softball team after her collegiate career. Kenyail also serves on the Board of Directors for the Texas Association of Supervisors of Mathematics as the NCTM representative. Kenyail Carr has served in education for over 20 years and is the first African-AmerIcan Director of Math and Science (simultaneously) for one of the largest school districts in the state of Texas.Kenyail enjoys life with her husband, Rev. Dr. Louis Carr, of 22 years. Together, they have two amazing children, Peggy (CO 2024) and Louis III (CO 2030).
Mrs. C’s Tutoring focuses on mathematics tutoring for students of all grade levels. The hope is that the company can inspire students of color to be mathematicians and increase student agency along the way.
Contact: kenyailcarr@gmail.com

Ms. Atiyah Harmon
Black Girls Love Math
Atiyah Harmon is an education leader with two decades of experience teaching and leading in urban schools nationwide. A native of Philadelphia and proud Girard College alumnae, Atiyah holds an Advanced Master’s degree in Public School Building Leadership from Teachers College, Columbia University. She received a Master of Science in Education in Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Development from University of Pennsylvania. Atiyah received a Bachelor of Science from The Pennsylvania State University. Atiyah founded Black Girls Love Math on June 20, 2020, her mother’s birthday to honor the love and passion for education she instilled in Atiyah. While serving as Founder and Executive Director of Black Girls Love Math, Atiyah also coaches teachers and principals nationally on math curriculum, culturally responsive teaching and provides equity based math instruction teacher training. Atiyah has sat on several panels discussing the need for diversity in STEM fields, education equity, access and opportunity and developing healthy school environments. Atiyah began her education career as a member of the founding cohort of Philadelphia Teaching Fellows. Prior to Black Girls Love Math, Atiyah served as Network Director of Math, Science and Assessment for Great Oaks Charter Schools – a network of charter schools in the Northeast Region supporting school leaders and teachers with math, science and data driven leadership and instruction for grades 6-12. Atiyah previously served as a charter school Principal in New York City, where students tripled their proficiency during her tenure. She has also served as an Assistant Principal and Director of Curriculum and Instruction in Philadelphia and Trenton. Atiyah taught Middle School Math for 8 years and achieved incredible gains with her students in both growth and proficiency
BGLM is a 501c3 nonprofit, our mission is to cultivate a positive math identity and exponentially increase the number of Black girls in STEM careers. We provide out of school time programming for grades K-12 and focus on developing and coaching Black women math teachers to improve their pedagogical practices.
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